Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Second Semester - Last 6 Days Comic Book Pages

Comic Book Scene Rubric                                       
Standard: Invent and Discover to Create (50%)

Assess and Produce art with various materials
Partially Proficient
Evidence Outcome:
Skillfully use a variety of techniques and media to create works of art.  .   
Excellent care and craftsmanship shown in your comic pages.  
Techniques: You used 5 or more different textures, (ie. Hatching, cross hatching, scribble, and stipple, etc.), or  shading techniques in  your comic.  Your drawing includes many details that support your story, including 5-6 facial expressions, background, and middle ground that helps describe your story. 
Content: You filled and completed at least two or three pages. You took risks in completing the drawing by trying new techniques and drawing your characters using excellent  proportions. The background changes with the movement of your characters. Your story images are unified , have a beginning, middle, and end and includes a climatic event. It reads very clearly telling a complete and original story. 
Proficient/satisfactory care, craftsmanship and skill shown in your comic pages.
Techniques: You used 3 or 4  different textures, (ie. Hatching, cross hatching, scribble, and stipple, etc.), or  shading techniques in  your comic.  Your drawing includes details that support your story, including 2 or 3 facial expressions, background, and middle ground that helps describe your story. 
Content: You filled and completed two pages. You took risks in completing the drawing by trying new techniques and drawing your characters proportionally. The background changes with the movement of your characters. Your story has a beginning, middle, and end and includes a climatic event. Your story is mostly easy to understand, telling complete and mostly original story. 
Developing care, craftsmanship and skill shown in your comic pages.
Techniques: You used 2 or 3 different textures, (ie. Hatching, cross hatching, scribble, and stipple, etc.), or  shading techniques in  your comic.  Your drawing includes some details that support your story, including 2 facial expressions, background, and middle ground that helps describe your story. 
Content: You filled two pages, but they be incomplete. You may have taken risks in completing the drawing by trying new technique.  The background changes with the movement of your characters. Your story has a beginning, middle, and end. Your story may not easy to understand or orginal. 
Beginning care, craftsmanship and skill shown in your comic pages.
Techniques: You may or may not have used a texture, (ie. Hatching, cross hatching, scribble, and stipple, etc.), or  shading techniques in  your comic.  Your drawing includes very little detail that support your story.
Content: Your work is unfinished. You avoided taking risks or trying new techniques  The background does not change with the movement of your characters. Your story may not have a beginning, middle, and end and it’s not easy to understand. 
Warm Up - Read the Rubric 

Learning Objective - Students will develop a better understanding of the art of comic book design and storytelling through the making of their own comic.  

Language Objective - Students will write their own story and draw picture to illustrate it through comic book design.     

  • Ms. Colegrove will not accept late work after FRIDAY!  
  • Complete your rough draft for your pages - DUE TODAY!!!
  • Start your final comic book pages in pencil.
  • Practice textures and mark making with pens
  • Rough Draft - Things to consider when planning your page layout
    • What images need to be seen, and what can be assumed by the reader?
    • Which images could be bigger to tell the story?
    • How will you place the dialog boxes so the viewer will read in the correct order?
Comic book Criteria
  • Include a problem and a resolution in your story and climax, (beginning, middle, and end)
  • Complete two to three pages keeping the paper neat and clean
  • A minimum of five facial expressions and two characters
  • Include a background that changes with the movement of the characters
  • Unify the images when designing your page layout
  • You used pen to draw and shade your images

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